Thursday 3 March 2016


                             RECONSTRUCTION OF SENTENCES
                                                                        PRACTICE SET -1

In this type of question , you are provided with the first and last parts of a sentence. The remaining sentence is broken into four parts labelled (P), (Q), (R) and (S). You are required to arrange these parts so as tpo form a complete meaningful sentence and then choose the correct combination.
Example 1 :
     (1) On being asked by the teacher
     (P) and then picking up the bag
     (Q) why he always come late
     (R) to the class,
     (S) the student first kept quiet
     (6) left the class red with shame and anger.
     The proper order is
     (a) RSPQ                  (b) QRSP         
     (c) SPQR                  (d) PQRS
Solution : For solution, proceed by questioning.
On being asked by the teacher- what?- why he always came late-where?- to he class-what did the student do?-the student first kept quiet and then ?- and then So, the correct combination is QRSP. Hence, the answer is (b).
Example 2 :
     The Collector said that the
     (P) supply of water for irrigation
     (Q) dams should recieve water
     (R) upto a particular level
     (S) to ensure uninterrupted
The proper sequence should be
     (a) QRSP                  (b) RQSP
     (c) SPRQ                  (d) SRPQ
Solution : Clearly, the correct sentence which would be formed is: ‘The Collector said that the dams should recieve water upto a particular level to ensure uninterrupted supply of water for irrigation.’
     Thus the correct answer is QRSP.
     Hence the answer is (a)

1. When you
(P) which one is closest in meaning
(Q) read the four sentences in your text book and decide
(R) to the statement you have heard
(S) hear a statement
(a) SRPQ                      (b) SQPR         
(c) SPQR                      (d) QPSR
2. (1) Thick glass may
(P) which are available
(Q) of the home bottle- cuttlers
(R) in many large stores, but any fine
(S) be cut with one
(6) glass requires personal attention.
(a) PSRQ                      (b) QPSR
(c) RQSP                      (d) SQPR
3. (1) There is a fashion now- a- days
(P) as an evil
(Q) who is born with a silver spoon
(R) to bewail poverty
(S) and to pity the youngman
(6) in his mouth
(a) PSRQ                      (b) RPSQ
(c) RSQP                      (d) SPRQ
4. A typical Prakash Padukone day
(P) or even a game of tennis
(Q) starts off     
(R) on some days
(S) with an early morning
(a) QSPR                      (b) QSRP         
(c) RPSQ                      (d) RSQP
5. (1) Long, long, time ago        
(P) who lived with his virtuous wife
(Q) in a country called Chinchinchoo
(R) there ruled a noble king
(S) and seven daughters
(6) pretty, graceful and well- versed in fine arts.
(a) PSQR                      (b) QRPS
(c) RPSQ                      (d) SQRP
6. (1) Those who           
(P) expect others
(Q) cannot treat
(R) should not
(S) others well
(6) to treat them well
(a) QPRS                      (b) QSPR         
(c) RPQS                      (d) SRPQ
7. Alexander;
P) was a disciple of Aristotle,
(Q) who was a great conqueror,
(R) whom the world acknowledges as  the greatest philosopher
(S) the words has ever known
(a) PQSR                      (b) QPRS
(c) RPQS                      (d) SPQR
8. (1) when I reached my office
(P) to get home early
(Q) I phoned my mother
(R) that I wouldn’t be able
(S) to tell her
(6) as I had promised
(a) PQRS                      (b) QSRP
(c) RPQS                      (d) SQPR
9. (1) The department has initiated steps
(P) from the corporate sector
(Q) to evolve appropriate schemes
(R) and financial institutions for
(S) for mobilising investment
(6) the development of wastelands.
(a) PRSQ                      (b) QPSR         
(c) QSPR                      (d) RPSQ
10. Jawaharlal Nehru
(P) under the Cabinate mision Scheme
(Q) was the first to articulate
(R) long before such an assembly was set up
(S) the idea of a Constituent Assembly
(a) PQSR                      (b) QSRP         
(c) RPQS                      (d) SRPQ
11. (P) when a chemical substance
(Q) the food poisoning occurred
(R) in the food preparations
(S) was mistaken for salt and used
(a) PSRQ                      (b) QPSR
(c) RQPS                      (d) SRQP
12. If   
(P) a foreigner wishes to
(Q) learn standard English
(R) learn English
(S) he will, of course,
(a) PQSR                      (b) PRQS
(c) PRSQ                      (d) SRQP
13. (1) According to reports
(P) where still trapped inside
(Q) bogies
(R) the wrecked
(S) some of the passangers
(6) of the express
(a) PRQS                      (b) PSQR
(c) RSQP                      (d) SPRQ
14. Only
(P) to make himself
(Q) by shouting at the top of his voice
(R) was he able
(S) heard
(a) PSQR                      (b) PSRQ
(c) QPRS                      (d) QRPS
15. (P) One has no right in law
(Q) of a tenant’s room
(R) to break open the flock
(S) and take its possession
(a) PQRS                      (b) PRQS
(c) PRSQ                      (d) SQRP
16. When he
(P) did not know
(Q) he was nervous and
(R) heard the hue and cry at midnight
(S) what to do
(a) PQRS                      (b) QSPR
(c) RQPS                      (d) SQPR
17. (1) A number of measures
(P) the financial conditions
(Q) for mobilisation of resources
(R) in order to improve
(S) are being taken by the State Government
(6) Of the Municipal Corporations
(a) PSQR                      (b) QRSP         
(c) RSQP                      (d) SQRP
18. By this time
(P) at the railway station
(Q) reported mass looting
(R) reports of violence were flooding in
(S) while police dispatches
(a) RSPQ                      (b) RSQP         
(c) SPRQ                      (d) SQRP
19. (1) Paintings
(P) have been
(Q) which were submitted
(R) totally ruined by rain
(S) for the exhibition
(6) last night
(a) PQRS                      (b) PRQS         
(c) QRPS                      (d) QSPR
20. (1) A four- year study
(P) that babies feel more comfortable
(Q) conducted by the Infant Testing Centre
(R) around other babies
(S) clearly suggests
(6) than with strange adults
(a) PRSQ                      (b) QPRS         
(c) QSPR                      (d) SPRQ
21. (P) he told the journalist
(Q) that the government must take firm action
(R) that the meeting unanimously decoded
(S) after coming out of the Conference Hall
(a) PRQS                      (b) PSQR         
(c) SPQR                      (d) SPRQ
22. Work is the one thing
(P) and without it
(Q) that is necessory
(R) to keep the world going
(S) we all should die
(a) QPSR                      (b) QRPS         
(c) RPQS                      (d) SRPQ
23. The man
(P) is generally the one
(Q) who can work very hard
(R) when he must work
(S) who can play most heartily when he has the chance of playing.
(a) PSQR                      (b) QRPS         
(c) QRSP                      (d) SPQR
24. The natives of the Carribean
(P) regarded the papaya
(Q) because of its ability
(R) as a magic tree
(S) to keep them healthy
(a) PRQS                      (b) PRSQ         
(c) RPQS                      (d) RPSQ
25. (1) The decomposers
(P) and hence help to clean the environment
(Q) help in decomposing the
(R) dead bodies of plants and animals
(S) and put back various useful elements
(6) into soil, air and water.
(a) PSQR                      (b) QPRS         
(c) QRPS                      (d) SQRP
26. (P) While some people live
(Q) to eat and drink and wear
(R) many have not even enough
(S) in luxury
(a) PQRS                      (b) PRQS         
(c) PSRQ                      (d) RSQP
27. The claim is not
(P) of any kind
(Q) but
(R) that it is without morality
(S) that science is actively anti- moral
(a) PSQR                      (b) RPQS         
(c) RQSP                      (d) SQRP
28. (1) Though Indian sportsmen
(P) who accompanied them
(Q) the large number of
(R) did not set many records in Seoul Asiad.
(S) officials and politicians
(6) did set a record of sorts
(a) PRQS                      (b) QSRP         
(c) PRSQ                      (d) SPRQ
29. He reached his office at 10.00 am and
(P) no sooner
(Q) than there was a huge explosion
(R) had he got out of the car
(S) and it went up in flames
(a) PQRS                      (b) PRQS         
(c) RPQS                      (d) RPSQ
30. (1) At the end of the assignment
(P) the field worker
(Q) submitted his papers
(R) for the work done by him
(S) and also bills
(6) to the office superintendent
(a) PQSR                      (b) QPRS         
(c) QSRP                      (d) RSQP


 1. I was
(P) and stay for a few days in Delhi
(Q) when my father told me
(R) veri excited
(S) that I could go with him
(a) PQRS                      (b) QRSP
(c) RQSP                      (d) SPQR
2. (1) They’re mostly people
(P) and they find the club very convenient
(Q) to get a reasonable meal
(R) who work in the neighbourhood,
(S) because it enables them
(6) without too much trouble
(a) PQRS                      (b) QPRS         
(c) RPSQ                      (d) SQRP
3. The invasion of India
(P) is more interesting than any other episode of early Indian history
(Q) to most European readers
(R) by Alexander the Great of Macedonia
(S) which occurred during the rule of the Nandas
(a) PQRS                      (b) QPRS         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) SRPQ
4. (1) I have not come
(P) even if it means some humiliation
(Q) but the boy must learn
(R) to complain, he said,
(S) to be honest
(6) and admit he broke our window pane.
(a) PRQS                      (b) QSPR         
(c) RQSP                      (d) SPRQ
. (1) If you are serious about
(P) vocabulary building not a hobby,
(Q) you will have to make
(R) an absorbing interest
(S) increasing your vocabulary,
(6) or even an obsession
(a) PQSR                      (b) PRQS         
(c) RQPS                      (d) SQPR
6. Reading books
(p) is a habit
(Q) but also enlarges the mind
(R) because it not only increases knowledge
(S) which must be cultivated by everybody
(a) PQSR                      (b) PQRS         
(c) PSRQ                      (d) SRPQ
7. (1) Everybody
(P) attracts every other
(Q) whether big a small,
(R) body with the force
(S) in the universe
(6) of gravitation
(a) PRSQ                      (b) QPRS         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) SQPR
8. (1) On reaching the station
(P) he first looked around
(Q) and when he could find none
(R) he just lifted his luggage
(S) for a coolie
(6) and walked down to the platform
(a) PSQR                      (b) QRPS         
(c) RPSQ                      (d) SQRP
9. The boy
(P) with big blue eyes
(Q) watched him
(R) and he never said a word
(S) that had an uncanny cold fire in them
(a) PQRS                      (b) PQSR         
(c) QPSR                      (d) QRPS
10. (1) The establishment of Delhi Sultanate
(P) new features in art and architecture
(Q) and their diffusion to all parts of the country
(R) saw the introduction of
(S) leading to the growth of
(6) India’s composite culture
(a) PRSQ                      (b) PSQR         
(c) RPQS                      (d) SPQR
11. (1) If evil consisted
(P) men would be drawn to virtue
(Q) but, alas! how many know their duty
(R) merely in ignorance
(S) as soon as it was explained to them
(6) and yet do not do it.
(a) RPQS                      (b) RPSQ         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) SPRQ
12. (1) There are people
(P) to be able to say
(Q) not because they enjoy the book
(R) who read a book
(S) but because they want
(6) that they have read it
(a) PSQR                      (b) RQSP         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) SQPR
13. I have never met
(P) a friendliness and hospitality
(Q) in your city,
(R) like the one
(S) I have met
(6) Calcutta
(a) PQRS                      (b) PRSQ         
(c) PSRQ                      (d) QPRS
14. (1) A sub- inspector of police,
(P) disturbing a public meeting
(Q) justice to his uniform
(R) rounded up a group of 18 miscreants
(S) bent on doing
(6) and marched them to the local jail in Shimoga
(a) PRSQ                      (b) QRPS         
(c) RPSQ                      (d) SQRP
15. (1) what we would like to judge
(P) in this comprehension exercise
(Q) the difficult words, phrase and sentence fragment
(R) and also the meaning of
(S) is your grasp of the content
(6) that consitute the paragraph
(a) PSRQ                      (b) QPSR         
(c) RQPS                      (d) SRQP
16. (P) early today
(Q) at least five persons were killed and 32 injured
(R) when a passenger train rammed into
(S) a stationary goods train
(a) PQRS                      (b) QRSP         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) RSQP
17. This is a letter
(P) from a young lady
(Q) who was lately wounded in a duel
(R) written in the most passionate terms
(S) wherein she laments the misfortune of a gentleman
(a) PRQS                      (b) PRSQ         
(c) RPQS                      (d) RPSQ
18. (1) The ravine was about ten yards wide
(P) and as I stepped down into it
(Q) and four or five feet deep
(R) on which I had
(S) a bird flew off a rock
(6) put my hand
(a) PSRQ                      (b) QPSR         
(c) RSQP                      (d) SRQP
19. There was
(P) needed for its everyday life
(Q) a time when each family
(R) for itself most of the things it
(S) actually produced
(a) QRSP                      (b) QSRP         
(c) RQPS                      (d) RSPQ
20. (1) There is a continuous demand
(P) are formed to train humanity
(Q) for destructive purpose, and world orgnisation.
(R) in the art of settling their disputes
(S) to ban the application of science
(6) by peaceful negotiations
(a) PRSQ                      (b) QSRP         
(c) RPQS                      (d) SQPR
21. It was true that
(P) the pet dog
(Q) would never sleep anywhere
(R) we once had
(S) except on the sofa
(a) PQSR                      (b) PRQS         
(c) RPQS                      (d) SPQR
22. A policeman
(P) to abide
(Q) if he had to do well,
(R) by the strict letters of the law
(S) cannot afford
(a) PRQS                      (b) QSPR         
(c) RQPS                      (d) SPRQ
23. (P) we must read
(Q) if we want to absorb the fruits of great literature
(R) but with concentration
(S) them not as we do cricket stories
(a) PRQS                      (b) PRSQ         
(c) PSQR                      (d) QPSR
24. (P) I am planning to go
(Q) to the hill station
(R) to spend my vacation
(S) where an acquaintance of my father lives
(a) PQRS                      (b) PSQR         
(c) RPQS                      (d) RQPS
25. (1) The little girl
(P) for the mother to leave
(Q) said to her friend
(R) little children on their own
(S) it was not quite right
(6) and go to work
(a) PRQS                      (b) QSPR         
(c) RPSQ                      (d) SQRP
26. (1) Western civilisation is
(P) in its character that
(Q) national culture by affecting
(R) it is bound to Influence every
(S) so powerful and so uniform
(6) its external way of life
(a) PRSQ                      (b) QSRP         
(c) RQSP                      (d) SPRQ
27. All religions are
(P) to advance the cause of peace
(Q) in a holy partnership
(R) Justice and freedom
(S) bound together
(a) PQRS                      (b) PRQS         
(c) SPQR                      (d) SQPR
28. Milton said that
(P) those persons
(Q) would be demand
(R) who do not obey
(S) God’s commands
(a) PQRS                      (b) PRSQ         
(c) QPRS                      (d) RSPQ
29. (1) He dared
(P) the forty thieves
(Q) to fight
(R) who
(S) challenged him
(6) to a duel
(a) PQRS                      (b) QPRS         
(c) RSQP                      (d) SPQR
30. The reporter of the newspaper informs us that
(P) Lala LajpatRai spent
(Q) lecturing widely and attracting many American leaders
(R) to sympathise with the Indian nationalist position
(S) almost five years in America
(a) PSQR                      (b) PSRQ         
(c) RPSQ                      (d) SPQR


1. (1) The next stop
(P) lying in the centre
(Q) of a bay
(R) was a port
(S) that our ship halted at
(6) in South Wales
(a) PQRS                      (b) RSQP         
(c) SRPQ                      (d) SRQP
2. (P) It becomes difficult
(Q) satisfying our desire
(R) but once we set about
(S) if not impossible to restrain them
(a) PQRS                      (b) QRPS         
(c) RQPS                      (d) RQSP
3. The captain
(P) when engaged against the enemy
(Q) who was himself a brave man
(R ) never to lose heart
(S) advised the soliders
(a) PQSR                      (b) QPSR         
(c) QSRP                      (d) SQRP
4. (1) Ashoka was successful
(P) by the cruelty and horrors of war
(Q) he was so disgusted
(R) in his military operation
(S) and alone among conquerors
(6) that he renounced it
(a) PSQR                      (b) QPRS         
(c) RSQP                      (d) SQPR
5. (1) Some remarks
(P) put the police on the right scent
(Q) by a woman
(R) and they discovered
(S) casually dropped
(6) the whole gang of brigands
(a) QSPR                      (b) RPSQ         
(c) RQSP                      (d) SQPR
6. (P) took place
(Q) when militants opened fire on BSF
(R) The encounter lasting over two hours
(S) in the town around 8.30 a.m.
(a) QPRS                      (b) QSRP         
(c) RPQS                      (d) RPSQ
7. They are plant eaters
(P) and various kinds of vegetation
(Q) browsing on grass
(R) and consume
(S) vast quantities of pasture
(a) QPRS                      (b) QSRP         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) RSQP
8. Dermatologists tell us
(P) that the skin
(Q) is a finely laminated coating
(R) whose layered nature
(S) has inspired comparisons with onions
(a) PQRS                      (b) PRQS         
(c) PRSQ                      (d) PSRQ
9. (P) when
(Q) a child develops best
(R) like a young plant
(S) he is left undisturbed in the same soil
(a) PQRS                      (b) QPRS         
(c) QPSR                      (d) PQSR
10. (1) The Arabs live in tents
(P) so that they can move from one oasis to another
(Q) and taken down very easily and quickly
(R) seeking grass and water
(S) than can be put up
(6) for their sheep, goats, camels and horses.
(a) PRSQ                      (b) QSPR         
(c) SQPR                      (d) SRPQ
11. (1) At the end of the lecture
(P) for sparing their valuable time
(Q) the speaker thanked the audience
(R) and listening to him
(S) in coming to the meeting
(6) patiently
(a) PSRQ                      (b) QPSR         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) SRQP
12. (1) Charles Goodyear once accidentally
(P) and found that the resulting rubber
(Q) dropped a mixture of natural rubber
(R) was harder, stronger, more elastic
(S) and sulphur over a hot stove
(6) and non- sticky
(a) PSQR                      (b) QSPR         
(c) RSQP                      (d) SQPR
13. It would
(P) appear from his atatement
(Q) about the policy of the management
(R) In dealing with the strike
(S) that he was quite in  the dark
(a) PRQS                      (b) PSQR         
(c) RPSQ                      (d) RQPS
14. (1) The advantage of travelling
(P) costoms and manners, is that
(Q) we learn to appreciate the good points of others
(R) in different places and having
(S) the opportunity of observing people’s
(6) and our prejudice against them disappear
(a) PQRS                      (b) QRSP         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) SPQR
15. Recently,
(P) containing memorable letters of Churchill
(Q) a book
(R) has been published
(S) by a reputed publisher
(a) PQRS                      (b) QPRS         
(c) QRPS                      (d) RQPS
16. (P) the morning session lasting three hours, was spent
(Q) mainly on reviewing
(R) in the fourth round of talks
(S) the implementation of the decision taken
(a) PQRS                      (b)  PQSR        
(c) PRQS                      (d) PRSQ
17. I enclose
(P) and the postage
(Q) a postal order
(R) the price of the books
(S) which will cover
(a) QPSR                      (b) QSPR
(c) QSRP                      (d) RPSQ
18. (1) If the parachutes had failed to open
(P) the whole of  this couch would
(Q) he could have pulled a liver to provide an emergency ejection
(R) and special parachutes would have unfolded
(S) then have been fired from the cabin
(6) to bring him down
(a) PSRQ                      (b) QPSR         
(c) RSQP                      (d) SQPR
19. The practice of taking performance boosting drugs among athletes
(P) but checking it is not going to be easy
(Q) is generally conceded to be unfair
(R) of the detection technology
(S) for the user is generally one jump ahead
(a) QPRS                      (b) QPSR         
(c) RQPS                      (d) RQSP
20. (P) we shall hardly expect to find life there
(Q) knowing that
(R) there is neither air nor water
(S) on the moon
(a) PQRS                      (b) QRSP         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) SRQP
21. (1) Sugar
(P) and our average consumption of sugar
(Q) provides something like
(R) itself is rich in calories
(S) one- fifth of our
(6) total calorie intake
(a) PQRS                      (b) QRPS         
(c) RPQS                      (d) RPSQ
22. Why do people
(P) despite a desire
(Q) to quit and despite
(R) continue smoking
(S) the known health hazards?
(a) PQRS                      (b) RPQS         
(c) RQPS                      (d) RSPQ
23. As lightning accompanies thunder,
(P) was mingled with
(Q) so in my character
(R) the muttering of my wrath
(S) a flash of humour
(a) PRSQ                      (b) QPRS         
(c) QRPS                      (d) QSPR
24. During hibernation
(P) they have lost a good deal of weight
(Q) of course the animals consume
(R) and when they awake again
(S) the fats accumulated in the summer
(a) PQRS                      (b) QSRP
(c) RQSP                      (d) SQPR
25. (1) The district collector
(P) the next of kin
(Q) would be provided to
(R) announced that financial assistance
(S) of the deseased
(6) from the Chief Minister’s Relief fund
(a) PSRQ                      (b) QSPR         
(c) RQPS                      (d) SQRP
26. (1) In the coming session,
(P) of our computer management services
(Q) to make them
(R) more useful, efficient and cost effective
(S) we are undertaking a through review
(6) for your needs
(a) PQRS                      (b) QRSP         
(c) RSPQ                      (d) SPQR
27. (1) though the Govt. claims
(P) it has failed to arrest
(Q) the rate of inflation is down
(R) or the decrease
(S) the rise in prices
(6) in the per capita income
(a) PQRS                      (b) PQSR         
(c) PSQR                      (d) QPSR
28. (1) The greatest tragedy of Bhopal
(P) we in India
(Q) is that ever after the Bhopal disaster
(R) have not realized
(S) the necessity
(6) of town planning
(a) PRQS                      (b) PRSQ         
(c) QPRS                      (d) RSQP
29. The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) making efforts
(S) has been
(a) QPRS                      (b) QPSR         
(c) SRPQ                      (d) SRQP
30. The house
(P) about half a mile distance
(Q) that stands in front of us
(R) was built of stones
(S) which were dug out of its own site
(a) QPRS                      (b) QRPS         

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