Monday 20 February 2017

Find out the error part of the following sentences:

            Find out the error part of the following sentences:
1.    He (1)/ was hated (2)/ by all (3)/for his selfish (4)/No error   
2.    The principal (1)/gave him (2)/punishness (3)/ for telling a lie. (4)/No error
3.    He (1)/ wants (2)/ to improve (3)/ his reading ableness (4)/No error
4.    Loyal (1)/ to one’s country (2)/ is the duty (3)/ of a citizen. (4)/No error
5.    the lose (1)/ of the purse (2)/ was reported (3)/ to the teacher (4)/No error
6.    The writter (1)/ got his wife’s permittance (2)/ to go (3)/ to the cinema (4)/No error
7.    Without healthness (1)/ there (2)/ is (3)/ no happiness (4)/No error
8.    Mr. Thakur (1)/often thinks (2)/ of the happy days  (3)/ of his childish (4)/No error
9.    The amount (1)/ of accidents (2)/ is (3)/ steadily increasing (4)/No error
10.    On almost (1)/ every page (2)/ there were announcements (3)/ for cigarettes and tobacco (4)/No error
11.    I was very nervous (1)/ during the appointment (2)/ and I’m sure (3)/ they’ll give the job to someone (4)/No error
12.     All (1)/ the passengers (2)/ carried (3)/ their own baggages (4)/No error
13.    We (1)/ were surprised (2)/ by their (3)/ peculiar behaviours. (4)/No error
14. We should not (1)/ try to develop (2)/ any intimacy with (3)/ a group of liars. (4)/No error
15.     A stock of lectures (1)/ on this topic (2)/ any intimacy with be fruitful (3)/ from the public (4)/No error
16. The robbers (1)/ received (2)/ a volley of stones (3)/ from the public (4)/No error
17. To give any programme (1)/ before (2)/such a throng of sincere listeners (3)/ is important. (4)/No error
18. It is difficult (1)/ for me (2)/ carry such a heavy pile of grain (3)/on the head. (4)/No error
19. A  herd of horses (1)/ has arrived (2)/ to join (3)/ to lunch (4)/No error
20. A regiment of officials (1)/ has been (2)/ invited (3)/ to lunch (4)/No error
21. A shoal (1)/ of wolves (2)/ attacked (3)/ the travelers     (4)/No error
22. The police (1)/ were trying (2)/ to control (3)/ the crowd.(4)/No error
23. He (1)/saw (2)/a crew of ships (3)/ in the harbor     (4)/No error
24. Wise (1)/ is (2)/ better than (3)/ strength      (4)/No error
25. He (1)/ treats (2)/ his servents (3)/with great kind     (4)/No error   

1.    The governor dismissed the minister (1)/ under its powers(2)/given to him(3)/under the constitution  
    (4)/No error
2.    I very well know(1)/that Rakesh and you(2)/are the best (3)/students of my institute (4)/No error
3.    Every lecturer and every student (1)/of our college is confident (2)/ about their success in (3)/ all the  examinations (4)/No error
4.    There was none (1)/ who could help me (2)/in indore when (3)/ was alone there (4)/No error
5.    There are ten faculty members (1)/ in the college but (2)/ they generally  do not (3)/ like to talk to each other
     (4)/No error
6.    Honey is the only (1)/student who can(2)/answer all these (3)/question without any problem(4)/No error
7.    We encourage all the visitors (1)/to avail of the full range (2)/of hotel facilities being provided (3)/(4)/No error
8.    I entered the cabin (1)/ and introduced to (2)/ the chairman as the (3)/ Director of the Reliance company (4)/No error
9.    One should be (1)/ faithful not only (2)/to one’s friend (3)/but to his country also (4)/No error
10.    None should be (1)/ faithful not only (2)/to one’s friends (3)/but to his country also (4)/No error
11. The prisoner which was     (1)/ chained with strong shackles (2)/shouted loudly (3)/at the superintendent of the jail    (4)/No error
12. There are many (1)/students whom, we know (2)/ are not preparing for (3)/ the examination sincerely
    (4)/No error
13.    She has never spoken (1)/ even a single word (2)/ against me, that is (3)/ a clear proof of her loyality towards me (4)/No error
14.    Everyone of the employess (1)/ of our office decided (2)/to donate their (3)/ one day’s salary to the relief
    (4)/No error
15.    I borrowed the (1)/ book from library (2)/ and I will return (3)/ the same on monday (4)/No error
16. The houses of (1)/ the poor are (2)/ smaller than (3)/ that of the rich (4)/No error
17.    My brother and my self (1)/ will certainly attend (2)/ the marriage party (3)/ of your brother next month (4)/No error
18.    It was very late (1)/ at night but (2)/ all the guests were (3)/ enjoying in the party (4)/No error
1.    The governor dismissed the minister (1)/ under its powers(2)/given to him(3)/under the constitution  
    (4)/No error
2.    I very well know(1)/that Rakesh and you(2)/are the best (3)/students of my institute (4)/No error
3.    Every lecturer and every student (1)/of our college is confident (2)/ about their success in (3)/ all the  examinations (4)/No error
4.    There was none (1)/ who could help me (2)/in indore when (3)/ was alone there (4)/No error
5.    There are ten faculty members (1)/ in the college but (2)/ they generally  do not (3)/ like to talk to each other
     (4)/No error
6.    Honey is the only (1)/student who can(2)/answer all these (3)/question without any problem(4)/No error
7.    We encourage all the visitors (1)/to avail of the full range (2)/of hotel facilities being provided (3)/(4)/No error
8.    I entered the cabin (1)/ and introduced to (2)/ the chairman as the (3)/ Director of the Reliance company (4)/No error
9.    One should be (1)/ faithful not only (2)/to one’s friend (3)/but to his country also (4)/No error
10.    None should be (1)/ faithful not only (2)/to one’s friends (3)/but to his country also (4)/No error
11. The prisoner which was     (1)/ chained with strong shackles (2)/shouted loudly (3)/at the superintendent of the jail    (4)/No error
12. There are many (1)/students whom, we know (2)/ are not preparing for (3)/ the examination sincerely
    (4)/No error
13.    She has never spoken (1)/ even a single word (2)/ against me, that is (3)/ a clear proof of her loyality towards me (4)/No error
14.    Everyone of the employess (1)/ of our office decided (2)/to donate their (3)/ one day’s salary to the relief
    (4)/No error
15.    I borrowed the (1)/ book from library (2)/ and I will return (3)/ the same on monday (4)/No error
16. The houses of (1)/ the poor are (2)/ smaller than (3)/ that of the rich (4)/No error
17.    My brother and my self (1)/ will certainly attend (2)/ the marriage party (3)/ of your brother next month (4)/No error
18.    It was very late (1)/ at night but (2)/ all the guests were (3)/ enjoying in the party (4)/No error
19. Under no circumstances (1)/ could he win (2)/ the match and (3)/ he knew it very well (4)/No error
20. He is not one of (1)/ those who (2)/ once promise will go (3)/ back on his word (4)/No error
21. The manager as well as     (1)/ his assistants was trying (2)/ to finish their work (3)/ before 5’ O clock
    (4)/No error
22.     The book which  I borrowed (1)/ from the library seems (2)/ more useful for the exam (3)/ than yours
23.    They who were sitting (1)/ inside the cinema hall (2)/ were not permission (3)/(4)/No error
24. She behave    (1)/ in such a nasty way (2)/ that I had (3)/ never expected (4)/No error
25.The company has appointed (1)/ consultant to help them (2)/ increase its revenue (3)/ and improve its financial position (4)/No error
26. The NGO provides (1)/ free daily meal to them (2)/ who live below the (3)/ poverty line in rural areas
    (4)/No error
27.    This is one (1)/ of the few companies (2)/ who have done (3)/ well for the past two years (4)/No error
28. I do not know  (1)/ who of the (2)/ new trainees should (3)/ be confirmed (4)/No error
29.    Because of the pace at (1)/ which of company is growing (2)/ I believe it will easily (3)/ achieve their target
    (4)/No error
30.    One should (1)/ be honest (2)/ to his word  (3)/in all situations (4)/No error
31. No other(1)/ typist in this (2)/office is as (3)/slow as her (4)/No error
32.    Mala’s two brother Rupesh and Bhupat (1)/are very intelligent and hardworking (2)/but I am sure (3)/ I like  the latter most (4)/No error
33. They visited the place (1)/ because they wanted to see (2)/ for themeselves the damage (3)/caused by the flood (4)/No error
34.    The person which was (1)/ recommended for the position (2)/ did not fulfil (3)/ the prescribed qualification
    (4)/No error
35.    The students of the class (1)/ were dicussing (2)/ with each other (3)/the lesson taught to them the day before  
    (4)/No error

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