Wednesday 15 February 2017


                                           SPOTTING THE ERRORS

Directions (1 to 10) : Read the following sentences to find error. The error will be in one part of the sentence. If there is no error, then the answer is E.

(1) Her and the (A)/other members of the group (B)/spoke to the person (C)/after
their final victory. (D)
(2) In early India (A)/there has been very little to read (B).except for the books sent
(C)/from Britain. (D)
(3) Still remaining in the ancient castle (A)/are the Duke’s collection of early Dutch paintings (B)/ which will be (C)/donated to a museum. (D)
(4) Most students preferred (A)/courses in the classical arts to (B)/courses in science unless (C)/they are science majors. (D)
(5) When she comes (A)/to see us (B)/she usually will bring (C)/some thing with her. (D)
(6) Why did you (A)/ not told me (B)/that the meeting (C)/ was postponed ? (D)
(7) I did not want (A)/ him to have spent (B)/all the money at (1)/the fair yesterday. (D)
(8) The assistant (A)/is never found (B)/wherever the manager (1)/want him. (D)
(9) He picked up (A)/the books (B)/and put it (C)/on the table. (D)
(10) They decided (A)/to talk it over (B)/at dinner. (C)
      (11) I am not hungry (A)/beside (B)/I do not like eggs. (C)
(12) Economics are (A)/now-a-day included as a subject (B)/ in all colleges. (C)
(13) When he (A)/ had got what (B)/ he wanted (C)/he has gone home. (D)
(14) Of the two proposals (A)/we think (B)/ the second is (C)/ the most attractive. (D)
(15) If I wrote (A)/to my father now (B)/the will receive (C)/the letter tomorrow. (D)
(16) This road is (A)/worst than (B)/any other road (C)/of the city. (D)
(17) The driver as well as (A)/the conductor are (B)/responsible for this accident. (C)
(18) Some Peoples (A)/fell that (B)/no progress is possible (C)/without discipline. (D)
(19) She told (A)/her mother that (B)/she is busy. (C)
(20) After listening to (A)/little of songs (B)/she switched off (C)/the radio. (D)
(21) We erect monuments (A)/in the memory of great leaders (B)/lest their achievements (C)/might be forgotten. (D)
(22) He will not escape (A)/punishment unless (B)/he does not speak (C)/the truth. (D)
(23) Being a cold day (A)/neither my friend (B)/nor I was (C)/in a mood to go to market. (D)
(24) Such students (A)/who have not submitted (B)/their T.C. will not be allowed (C)/to appear in the examinations. (D)
(25) I went to the librarian and cashier (A)/and they gave me (B)/all facilities required (C)/to complete the project. (D)
(26) Mil is (A)/the most perfect (B)/food in the world. (D)
(27) What is there (A)/which is a secret (B)/between you and me. (C)
(28) By the death of Rajeev Gandhi (A)/a great statesman and politician (B)/were lost. (C)
(29) You had better (A)/to stop (B)/your work (C)/for some time. (D)
(30) a severe cold (A)/prevented the president (B)/being present (C)/at the function. (D)
(31) I dislike (A)/my child (B)/watching T.V. (C)/all the time. (D)
(32) These people (A)/get their bath water (B)/from the river (C)/and their drink water from a well. (D)
(33) It was evident (A)/to me that there (B)/was any mistake (C)/in that account. (D)
(34) He does not seem (A)/to be aware (B)/as to (C)/his merits. (D)
(35) He declared (A)/at the top of his (B)/voice that (C)/it was not possible. (D)
(36) Crossing the road (A)/a car knocked (B)/him down. (C)
(37) The captain (A)/with all his team (B)/were held responsible. (C)
(38) Bangladesh has come (A)/into existence (B)/thirty years ago. (C)
(39) No sooner did (A)/she saw me (B)/than she came up (C)/and spoke to me. (D)
(40) No monument in the world (A)/is so beautiful (B)/as the Taj Mahal. (C) 
(41) many a man (A)/have been (B)/working under me. (C)
(42) I told him (A)/the story (B)/in details (C)/to make him understand it fully. (D)
(43) Different authorities (A)/defines (B)/intelligence in different ways. (C)
(44) The old man (A)/told his sons (B)/that there was no such thing (C)/like luck. (D)
(45) Everyone knows (A)/that the tiger (B)/is faster (C)/of all animals. (D)
(46) Sakshi wrote an essay (A)/so well that (B)/her teacher was very (C)/pleased with her. (D)
(47) The conference was (A)/attended (B)/by more than one hundred delegates (C)
(48) This is (A)/one of the most (B)/interesting book (C)/I have ever read. (D)
(49) Ram was happy (A)/that Rita and her sister was going (B)/by the same train (C)/the next day. (D)
(50) The only criteria (A)/to judge (B)/a person (C)/is to observe his behaviour. (D)
(51) No country can long endure (A)/if its foundations (B)/were not laid deep (C)/in the material prosperity. (D)
(52) Mahatma Gandhi did not solve (A)/all the future problems (B)/but he did solve (C)/problems of his own age. (D)
(53) We now look forward for (A)/some great achievements (B)/which to some extent (D)/can restore the country’s prestige once again. (D)
(54) While Mahendra was away (A)/on a long official tour (B)/his office receive an important letter (C)/which was marked ‘Urgent’. (D)

(55) We will pack not only (A)/the material properly (B)/but will also deliver it (C)/to your valued customers. (D)
(56) We cannot handle (A)/this complicated case today (B)/unless full details are not given (C)/to us by now. (D)
(57) According to one survey (A)/only those forests which were (B)/but under village management (C)/succumbed from fires recently. (D)
(58) Our school is making (A)/every possible effort (B)/to provide best facilities (C)/and personal attention for each child. (D)
(59) We have done everything (A)/that could be done (B)/to avert the storm (C)/which is now coming on. (D)
(60) Kayesh loved his Guru immensely (A)/and gave him fullest loyalty, (B)/yet he had his own (C)/independent way of thinking. (D)
(61) This laboratory of physicists is (A)/not only equipped with (B)/all state-of-the-art instruments (C)/but also with outstanding physicists. (D)
(62) No method of making other (A)/people agree to (B)/your view point is (C)/as effective as this method. (D)
(63) I was pretty sure that (A)/he would support me (B)/for changing the age-old (C)/and static structure of our organization. (D)
(64) I did not like his (A)/comments on my paper (B)/but I had no alternative (C)/as I had agreed to keep quiet. (D)
(65) The report is can did in admitting (A)/that the investment by the government (B)/in health and family planning (C)/have eroded considerably. (D)
(66) He tried as he could (A)/but Naveen did not (B)/succeed in getting (C)/his car to start up. (D)
(67) Foolishly Madhu threw (A)/some water on the electric heater (B)/when it catches fire and (C)/she got a shock. (D)
(68) Rajesh was expecting (A)/a telegram from his uncle (B)/which would inform (C)/him whether he went or not. (D)
(69) Either of the plans (A)/suits him and therefore (B)/he decided not to (C)/go out yesterday. (D)
(70) Inspite of the rumors (A)/of an impending takeover (B)/by the government, (C)/Ramlal bought more shares of that company. (D)
(71) Our housing society comprises (A)/six block and thirty flats (B)/in an area of (C)/about thousand square meters. (D)
(72) They took to (A)/reading time (B)/for better knowledge (C)/of the facts. (D)
(73) As I was to reach early (A)/I prefer train (B)/instead of (C)/bus. (D)
(74) He did not go (A)/to the city on foot (B)/he went there (C)/by the train. (D)
(75) One of the most (A)/widely spread (B)/bad habit (C)/is the use of tobacco. (D)

(76) Myself and Ramanujam (A)/will take care of (B)/the function (C)/on Saturday. (D)
(77) All the doctors (A)/were puzzled on the (B)/strange symptoms (C)/reported by the patient. (D)
(78) India is in no way (A)/inferior than the USA (B)/in the fertility of soil (C)/and richness of resources. (D)
(79) The visitors (A)/complained at (B)/the poor accommodation (C)/they were given. (D)
(80) Amit’s habit of (A)/delaying his work (B)/put his colleagues (C)/to a lot of trouble. (D)
       (81) I have been to a few of his lectures (A)/but understood little of (B)/what he has
       said. (C)
(82) Not only the bandits robbed (A)/the traveler of his purse (B)/but also wonded him previously. (C)
(83) The old woman has had the best medical facilities available (A)/but she will not be cured (B)/unless she does not have a strong desire to live. (C)
(84) Frozen foods are so poplar today (A)/that many people wonder (B)/how they every lived without them. (C)
(85) We should never be (A)/cent percent sure of our success (B)/in any walk of our life. (C)
(86) Sumith sincluding (A)/all the members of his family (B)/goes to the church every Sunday. (C)
(87) The students of now-a-days (A)/hesitate to talk (B)/to their teachers. (C)
(88) If you would have (A)/practiced regularly (B)/you would have won the match. (C)
(89) Kanchenjugha is one of the (A)/beautiful peak (B)/of the (C)/Himalayan range. (D)
(90) He is one of the (A)/most intelligent (B)/student (C)/I have ever taught. (D)
       (91) Radha with (A)/her brothers (B)/and sisters (C)/are present here. (D)
(92) Men (A)/proposes (B)/but God (C)/dispose. (D)
(93) He gets (A)/up (B)/early at (C)/the morning. (D)
(94) The house (A)/is built (B)/in an (C)/attractive manner. (D)
(95) She worn (A)/a necklace (B)/studded (C)/with diamonds. (D)
(96) None (A)/of these (B)/students (C)/was there. (D)
(97) He (A)/was not (B)/blind (C)/from birth. (D)
(98) I said (A)/that a interesting (B)/face could (C)/also be pretty. (D)
(99) He love (A)/his father (B)/and his father (C)/also loved him. (D)
(100) Milking used (A)/to be a task (B)/or a duty cost (C)/on him. (D) 


                                                            SPOTTING THE ERRORS
    (1)(A) ‘Her’ dh txg ‘She’ iz;qDr djsaA Her ,d Pronoun Object gS] tks fd subject dh rjg iz;qDr ugha gks ldrk gSA
(2)(B) ‘has been’ dh txg ‘was’ dk iz;ksx fd;k tkuk pkfg,A tc okD; esa Past tense (In early India) ds ckjs esa ppkZ gS] rks Present perfect tense ds LFkku ij Past tense dk iz;ksx gksxkA
(3)(B) ‘are’ dh txg ‘is’ gksxk subject, Duke’s collection of early Dutch paintings gS] tks Collective noun gS vkSj singular gS vr% verb ‘are’ dh txg ‘is’ vk;sxhA
(4)(A) ‘preferred’ dh txg ‘prefer’ vk;sxkA (The sentence is in present tense.)
(5)(C) ‘will bring’ dh txg brings’ vk;sxkA Subordinate clause dk Tense, Principal clause ds Tense ds vuqlkj gh gksuk pkfg,A
(6)(B) ‘told’ dh txg ‘tell’ vk;sxkA Past interrogative esa tc did dk iz;ksx gksrk gS] rks verb dh Ist form gh vkrh gSA
(7)(B) ‘to have spent’ dh txg ‘to spend’ fy[kuk gh i;kZIr gSA have spent dk iz;ksx vuko”;d :i ls fd;k x;k gSA
(8)(D) ‘want’ dh txg ‘wants’ vk;sxkA manager, Singular number IIIrd person gS] vr% wants vk;sxkA
(9)(C) Put it dh txg ‘put them’ gksxk] ;gk¡ them dk iz;ksx books ds fy;s gS] tks plural gSA
(10)(E) No error.
(11)(B) ‘beside’ dh txg ‘besides’ iz;qDr djsaA
(12)(A) Economics ,d subject gS] vr% blds lkFk ‘is’ dk iz;ksx gksxkA
(13)(D) ‘has gone’ dh txg ‘went’ iz;qDr djsaA tc okD; esa Past tense gS] rks Present Perfect dk iz;ksx djuk vuqfpr gSA
(14)(D) ‘the most’ dh txg ‘more’ iz;qDr djsa more] comparison gsrq iz;qDr gksrk gS] ;gk¡ nks proposals dk comparison fd;k tk jgk gSA ‘most Superlative degrre gSA
(15)(A) ‘wrote’ dh txg ‘write’ iz;qDr djsaA
(16)(B) ‘worst’ dh txg ‘worse’ vk;sxkA comparison gsrq comparative degree dk gh iz;ksx gksxk] Superlative degree dk ughaA
(17)(B) ‘are’ dh txg ‘is’ vk;sxka tc okD; esa as well as, besides, in addition vk;s] rks igys noun ds vuqlkj verb vk;sxhA ;gk¡ igyk noun, ‘driver’ singular gS vr% verb Hkh singular gh yxsxhA
(18)(A) ‘peoples’ dh txg ‘people’ vk;sxkA people dk ;gk¡ vFkZ O;fDr fo”ks’k (individual) ls gSA
(19)(C) ‘is’ dh txg ‘was’ iz;qDr djsaA Indirect narration esa Reported speech dk tense, Reporting verb ds vuqlkj gksxkA
(20)(B) ‘little of’ dh txg ‘some of’ dk iz;ksx djsaA ‘little’ dk iz;ksx uncountables gsrq fd;k tkrk gSA
(21)(D) ‘might’ dh txg should iz;qDr djsaA ‘lest’ is always followed by ‘should’.
(22)(C) ‘does not speak’ dh txg ‘speaks’ iz;qDr djsaA tc okD; esa unless dk iz;ksx gqvk gS tks Lo;a negative gS] rks double negative dks avoid djsaA
(23)(A) ‘Being’ ls igys it yxk;saA This is the problem of unrelated participle.
(24)(B) ‘Who’ dh txg ‘as’ or ‘that’ vk;sxkA such ds lkFk ‘as’ ;k ‘that dk iz;ksx gksrk gSA
(25)(B) ‘they’ dh txg ‘he’ iz;qDr djsaA ;gk¡ librarian ,oa cashier ,d gh O;fDr dks refer dj jgs gSaA
(26)(B) ‘most’ dks delete djsa D;ksafd perfect Lo;a gh Superlative gSA
(27)(B)’which’ dh txg ‘that’ iz;qDr djsaA Interrogative sentences okD;ksa esa lkekU;r;k ‘that’ pronoun dk iz;ksx fd;k  tkrk gSA What is followed by ‘that’ instead of ‘which’.
(28)(C) ‘were’ dh txg ‘was’ iz;qDr djsaA statesman ,oa politician ,d gh O;fDr dks refer dj jgs gSaA
(29)(B) ‘to’ dks delete djsaA ;gk¡ infinitive ‘to’ dk iz;ksx xyr gSA
(30)(C) ‘being’ ls igys ‘from’ yxk;saA prevented is always followed by preposition ‘from’.
(31)(B) ‘my child’ dh txg ‘child’s’ gksxk] noun ds ckn esa] tc gerund ¼;gk¡ watching) dk iz;ksx gksrk gS rks noun, possessive gksxkA
(32)(D) ‘drink’ dh txg drinking vk;sxkA
(33)(C) ‘any’ dh txg ‘some iz;qDr djsaA some dk iz;ksx Affirmative esa rFkk any dk iz;ksx Interrogative ,oa negative esa gksrk gSA
(34)(C) ‘as to’ dh txg ‘of’ iz;qDr djsaA ;gk¡ aware ds ckn preposition ‘of’ yxsxkA
(35)(E) No error.
(36)(A)  ‘Crossing the road’ dh txg When he was crossing the road iz;qDr djsaA  This is the problem of unrelated participle.
(37)(C) ‘were’ dh txg ‘was’ vk;sxkA ;gk¡ subject of the verb: captain gS] tks singular gSA
(38)(A) tc okD; esa past time adverbs ‘ago, yesterday’ etc. gksa rks Present Perfect dk iz;ksx ugha fd;k tkrk gSA change ‘has come’ to ‘came’.
(39)(D) ‘saw’ dh txg ‘see’ iz;qDr djsaA did ds lkFk verb dh Ist form vk;sxhA
(40)(E) No error.
(41)(B) ‘have’ dh txg ‘has’ vk;sxkA ‘Many a’ is followed by singular verb.
(42)(C) ‘details’ dh txg ‘detail’ vk;sxkA
(43)(B) ‘defines’ dh txg ‘define’ iz;qDr djsaA tc subject, ‘authorities’ plural gS rks verb mlds vuqlkj gh gksxhA
(44)(D) ‘like’ dh txg ‘as’ iz;qDr djsa ‘such’ ds lkFk lkekU;r;k ‘as’ dk iz;ksx gksrk gSA
(45)(D) ‘of all animals’ dh txg ‘than any other animal’ gksuk pkfg,A
(46)(A) ‘an essay’ dh txg ‘the essay’ gksuk pkfg,A ;gk¡ essay particular gks x;k gSA
(47)(E) No error.
(48)(C) Change ‘book’ to ‘books’. ‘one of’ is always followed by plural noun.
(49)(B) Change ‘was’ to ‘were’, as the subject ‘Rita and her sister’ is plural.
(50)(A) Change ‘criteria’ to ‘criterion’, criteria dk singular criterion gksrk gSA
(51)(C) Change ‘were not’ to ‘are not’.
(52)(B) Change ‘all the future problems’ to ‘the problems of the future’.
(53)(A) Change ‘forward for’ to ‘forward to’.
(54)(C) Change ‘receive’ to ‘received’.
(55)(A) Change Part (A) to ‘We will not only pack’.
(56)(C) Avoid using double negative. Part (C) should be ‘unless full details are given’.
(57)(D) Change ‘from’ to ‘to’ Part (D) should be ‘succumbed to fires recently’.
(58)(D) Change ‘for’ to ‘to’. Part (D) should be ‘and personal attention to each child’.
(59)(E) No error.
(60)(D) Delete independent. Part (D) Should be ‘way of thinking’.
(61)(D) The word ‘physicists’ is meaningless.
(62)(A) Change Part (A) to ‘No other method of making’.
(63)(C) Change Part (C) to ‘in changing the age-old’.
(64)(E) No error.
(65)(D) Change ‘have’ to ‘has’ the verb should agree with the subject ‘investment’.
(66)(D) change ‘his car to start up’ to ‘his car start up’.
(67)(C) Change ‘when it catches fire’ to ‘when it caught fire’ D;ksafd okD; Past tense esa gS vkSj blesa iz;qDr laKkvksa dk okD; ds Tense ds lkFk agreement gksuk vko”;d gSA
(68)(D) Change ‘he went or not’ to ‘he had gone or not’.
(69)(B) Change suits him and therefore’ to ‘suited him therefore’. Superfluous use of and. Incorrect use of tense.
(70)(E) No error.
(71)(B) okD; esa iz;qDr six block and thirty flats ds LFkku ij six blocks and thirty flats dk iz;ksx gksxkA six is plural so write blocks.
(72)(C) okD; esa iz;qDr for better knowledge ds LFkku ij for the better knowledge dk iz;ksx gksxkA ‘knowledge’ is particularized in the sentence.
(73)(C) Change ‘instead of’ to ‘to’. Preposition ‘to’ is used with prefer, senior, junior etc.
(74)(D) okD; esa iz;qDr by the train ds LFkku ij by train dk iz;ksx gksxkA In phrases like by train, by water, by bus etx. we should not make any change.
(75)(C) okD; esa iz;qDr ‘bad habit’ ds LFkku ij ‘bad habits’ dk iz;ksx gksxk] D;ksafd one of ds ckn noun ;k pronoun ds plural form dk iz;ksx gksrk gSA
(76)(A) okD; esa iz;qDr Myself and Ramanujam  ds LFkku ij Ramanujam and I dk iz;ksx gksxkA
(77)(B) Change ‘puzzled on’ to ‘puxxled over’. Wrong use of preposition.
(78)(B) Change ‘inferior than’ to ‘inferior to’. Wrong use of preposition. Since, inferior, superior, senior, junior, prefer etc. takes preposition ‘to’ instead of ‘than’.
(79)(B) Change ‘complained at’ to ‘complained about’. wrong use of preposition.
(80)(E) No error.
(81)(C) Change ‘what he has said’ to ‘what he said’. Wrong use of tense.
(82)(A) Change ‘Not onlyu the bandits robbed’ to ‘The bandits not only robbed’. Improper placement of conjunction.
(83)(C) Change ‘unless she does not have a strong desire to live’ to ‘unless she have a strong desire to live’. Avoid double negative.
(84)(E) No error.
(85)(B) Change ‘ent per cent’ to ‘hundred percent’. Cent percent is a wrong expression.
(86)(C) delete ‘the’ before church. Wrong use of article ‘the’. Public institutions, tSls church, temple, hospital, mosque, school, prison, college etc. ds igys ‘the’ mlh fLFkfr esa yxrk gS tc O;fDr bu LFkkuksa ij fdlh vU; mÌs”; ls visit fd;k djrs gSaA
(87)(B) vxj okD; ls hesitation, dislike rFkk risk dk cks/k gks rks gesa verb infinitive ds cnys gerund dk iz;ksx djuk pkfg,A vr% talk ds LFkku ij talking gksuk pkfg,A
(88)(A) Change ‘would have’ to ‘had’. See the structure of Conditional sentence.
(89)(B) Change ‘peak’ to ‘peaks’. After of noun is pluralized in such sentences.
(90)(C) Change ‘student’ to ‘student’. After ‘of’ noun is pluralized in such sentences.
(91)(D) Change ‘are’ to ‘is’. When two nouns are joined by the conjunction; ‘with’, ‘as well as’, ‘together with’, ‘besides’ etc., the verb should agree with the Ist noun. blh dkj.k okD; esa ‘are present here’ ds LFkku ij ‘is present here’ dk iz;ksx gksuk pkfg,A
(92)(A) Change ‘Men’ to ‘Man’.
(93)(C) Change ‘early at’ to ‘early in’. Wrong use of preposition.
(94)(E) No error.
(95)(A) Change ‘worn’ to ‘wore’. Wore is the past form of wear.
(96)(E) No error. None can be used as singular and as plural also.
(97)(D) Change ‘from’ to ‘by’. Wrong use of preposition.
(98)(B) Change ‘a’ to ‘an’. Wrong use of article.
(99)(A) Change ‘love’ to ‘loved’ or used to love’. Wrong use of verb tense.
(100)(C) Change ‘a duty cost’ to ‘a duty cast’.

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