Thursday 23 February 2017


                      SENTENCE     IMPROVEMENT
This chapter is analogous to Spotting errors. in this type of questions, a sentence is given with a word or phrase bold. the candidate is required to examine this bold part in accordance with the rules of grammar usage and vocabulary and decide upon its correctness. Some substituses to the bold part are given below the sentence. The candidates is required to choose the alternative which when substitutes the bold part, the sentence become gramatically correct. If the bold part is correct as it is, then the correct option is ‘No improvement’ or ‘No correction required’.
Here are a few examples.
Example 1 : This project would encourage development and enable every villager to govern thier own destiny.
      (a) to govern his  (b) to governing his (c) have governed his (d) may govern thier (e) no correction required    
solution : Clearly the usage ‘to govern’ is correct. But since ‘villager’ is singular, so ‘his’ should be used instead of thier.
Example 2 : He told his friend that he drank tea every morning.
      (a) will drink (b) drinks (c) would drink (d) drunk (e) No correction
Solution : Since a habitual action is denoted by simple present tense, so here ‘drinks’ should be used instead of ‘drank’.
Example 3 : My school is in a  stone’s throw  from my house.
      (a) at a stones’s throw (b) to a stone’s throw (c)on a stone’s throw (d) within a stone’s throw (e) No correction required.
        Sentence improvement ×ð´ çÎØð »Øð çß·¤ËÂæð´ ×ð´ âð âãUè çß·¤Ë locate ·¤ÚU·ð¤ âãUè mrj ¹æðÁÙæ ãUæðÌæ ãñUÐ §â Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ÂýàÙ Candidates ·ð¤ ™ææÙ ·¤æ fuEu ÿæð˜ææð´ âð lEcfU/kr Test ·ð¤ çÜØð ãUæðÌð ãñU¢ Ñ-
(1)  Rules of Grammar and composition;
(b)  Usage of the different parts of speech;
(c)  Idioms and phrases; and
(d) An overall sense of language.
      ¥çÏ·¤ SÂCïUÌæ ·ð¤ çÜØð fuEu ©UÎæãUÚU‡ææð´ ·¤æð â×çÛæØð Ñ-
(1)  They are waiting for him since morning.
      (a) have been waiting        (b) were waiting
      (c) wait                  (d) No improvement
Note :çÎØð »Øð çß·¤ËÂæð´ ×ð´ âð ØçÎ çß·¤Ë (A) ·¤æð Underlined words ·ð¤ SÍæÙ ÂÚU  ÁæØð Ìæð çÎØð »Øð okD;ksa ×ð´ tense pattern âÕ¢Ïè »ÜÌè ·¤æð âéÏæÚUæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñUÐ
(b)  Hardly had he entered the police station when the           
began to beat him.
      (A) than     (B) before      (C) since           (D) No error
      okD;ksa ×ð´ Compound conjunction ·¤æ âãUè M¤Â ÂêÀUæ »Øæ ãñÐ Hardly ·ð¤ âæÍ when ·¤æ ÂýØæð» âãUè ãñU ¥ÌÑ mrj D ãUæð»æÐ
Note -  §Ù ÂýàÙæð´ ·¤æð Fill in the blanks ßæÜð ÂýàÙæð´ ×ð´ Öè ÕÎÜæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñUÐ §Ù·¤æ âãUè mrj Grammar, Composition, parts of speech ÌÍæ Vocabulary portion ·¤æ𠥑ÀUè ÌÚUãU âð ÌñØæÚU ·¤ÚU·ð¤ ãUè çÎØæ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ãñUÐ
®  He told us the story ...................... .
      (a) in the nutsell    (b) in nutsell
      (c) putting it in the nut
      (d) in a nutsell                                           (d)
      (Phrase lEca/kh)
®  The greater the demand .................. the price.
      (1) high                               (b) the higher
      (c) the high                        (d) higher                    (b)
      (Article ·¤æ Adverb lEca/kh ÂýØæð»)
®  If you would have seen the movie, you would have enjoyed it.
      (1) had you been seen       (b) if you have had seen
      (c) had you seen                (d) If you would see   (c)
      (Conditional sentence – Tense sequence lEca/kh )
      Direction :- Which choice would improve the sentence.
1.   The need of the hour was some fast action on the part of the leaders.
      (a) needed             (b) needing     
      (c) needs                (d) No correction required     
2.   He stayed back so that it can look as if he was unaware of the entire incident.
      (a) may look                      (b) would look
      (c) will look                       (d) No improvement  
3.   In accordance to your instructions, we have remitted the amount in the bank.
      (a) by                     (b) with          
      (c) for                    (d) No improvement 
4.   He has cooked that meal so often he can do it with his eyes closed.
      (a) mind blank       (b) eyes covered
      (c) hands full         (d) No improvement  
5.   None of the guests were introduced to the bride.
      (a) introduced       (b) was introduced
            (c) have been introduced
(d) No improvement
6.   He did many mischiefs.
      (a) made many a mischiefs
      (b) made much mischiefs
      (c) committed many mischiefs
      (d) No improvement        
7.   Is there any place for me to sit?
      (a) space                (b) room         
      (c) area                  (d)No improvement   
8.   I am used to hard work.
      (a) hard working   (b) work hard
      (c) work hardly     (d) No improvement  
9.   Old habits die hardly.
      (a) die much hardly           (b) die hard
      (c) die too hard     (d) No improvement  
10. The members of his family are coming in this train.
      (a) with                              (b) by  
      (c) on                     (d) No improvement
11. I complimented him for his success in the examination.
(a) with                        (b) on  
      (c) in                      (d) No improvement
12. What are needed are not larger house but small cottages.
      (a) were                             (b) was           
      (c) is                                  (d) No improvement  
13. She could not help but laugh.
      (a) laughing                       (b) but laughing
      (c) laugh                            (d) No improvement  
14. The matter must be considered in every point of view.
      (a) with                              (b) from
      (c) at                                  (d) No improvement  
15. When I was fourteen, I sat the entrance examination for senior secondary school.
      (a) sat for               (b) sat in
      (c) sat at                (d) No improvement  
16. you ought not to have gone there, but you did.
      (a) be going                       (b) have been
      (c) go                                 (d) No improvement
17. I am looking forward to see you soon.
      (a) looking forward towards
      (b) looking forward for seeing
      (c) looking forward to seeing
      (d) No improvement        
18. The problems of translation are still remain.
      (a) are remain                    (b) will remained
      (c) will still remain            (d) No improvement  
19. One should exercise their right to vote.
      (a) his                                (b) our
      (c) one's                             (d) No improvement
20. If the pain is returning, you would better take another pill.
      (a) has returned                 (b) should return
      (c) returned                       (d) No improvement  
21. The greatest thing in style is to have a use of metaphor.
      (a) command                     (b) knowledge
      (c) need                             (d) No improvement  
22. Nothing but books and magazines pleases her.
      (a) were pleasing   (b) please
      (c) are pleasing      (d) No improvement  
23. It is better to love and lose than not to have loved at all.
      (a) be loved and lost         (b) have loved and lost
        (c) have been loved and lot
      (d) No improvement        
24. The fast train came a halt to before crossing the bridge.
      (a) came before to a halt
      (b) came to a halt before
      (c) came before a halt to
      (d) No improvement        
25. She gave most of her time to music.
      (a) devoted                        (b) spent
      (c) lent                               (d) No improvement  

            1. (d)   2. (b)    3. (b)    4. (b)    5. (b)
            6. (c)    7. (b)    8. (b)    9. (b)    10. (b)
            11. (b)  12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c)
            16. (d) 17. (c)  18. (c)  19. (c) 20. (a)
            21. (a) 22. (b)  23. (b)  24. (b)  25. (b)
Directions : In each question, a part of sentence is printed in bold. Below each sentence, some phrases are given which can substitute the bold part of the sentence. Find out the phrase which can correctly substitute that part of the sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, the answer is ‘No correction required’ or ‘No improvement’.
1.   All the allegations level against  him were found to be baseless.
      (a) levelled  for      (b) level with
      (c) level against     (d) levelling with
      (e) No correction required                   
2.   Rohit is as fast as or perhaps faster than Manish.
      (a) equally fast      (b) almost as fast
      (c) as fast               (d) No correction required.           
3.   I shall be grateful to you if you are of help to  me now.
      (a) would help       (b) help
      (c) shall help          (d) No improvement   
4.   He cannot succeed in business because he works by fits and starts.
      (a) with fits and starts (b) fits and starts
       (c) into fits and starts (d) No improvement 
5.   He did many mischiefs.
      (a) made many a mischiefs
      (b) made much mischiefs
       (c) committed many mischiefs
      (d) No improvement.           
6.   You may appoint whoever you think can do you job most efficiently.
      (a) anybody you think       (b) someone you think
      (c) whomever you think
      (d) whomsoever you think (e) No correction required.                         
7.   This carpenter is the most skilled of all the other carpenters in our workshop.
      (a) carpenter                      (b) of all othe carpenters
      (c) of all carpenters
      (d) No improvement.                    
8.   He has said so out of affection, do not take it to heart
      (a) in heart                         (b) it in the heart
      (c) by the heart                  (d) No improvement.   
9.   I love the literature, the music, the art.
      (a) literature, music and art
(b) the literature, music and art
       (c) literature, music and the art
      (d) the literature, the music and the art
      (e) no improvement.                       
10.       Before I met Rajeev, I had had a poor opinion of him.
      (a) had                   (b) have had
      (c) did have           (d) No improvement.   
11.       I would gladly accompany your sister if you had asked him.
      (a) would have gladly accompanied
      (b) was to had gladly acco -mpanied
      (c) will gladly accompany (d) No improvement  
12.       She was to clever to see through his tricks.
      (a) see into his tricks
      (b) see his tricks    (c) see at his tricks
      (d) No improvement.                           
13.       The boy told his teacher to explain the passage.
      (a) called his teacher (b) said to his teacher
      (c) asked his teacher
      (d) No improvement.                              
14.       What are needed are not large houses but small cottages.
      (a) were                 (b) was
      (c) is                      (d) No improvement.         
15.       The police broke away the meeting as it turned voilent
      (a) broke up                       (b) broke off
      (c) broke through
       (d) No improvement.                           
16.       I wish my bus did not arrive so late; then I could have reached home before breakfast.
      (a) has not arrived             (b) does not arrived
      (c) had not arrived            (d) No improvement                            
17.       Sumit would have been looked smart in traditional clothes.
      (a) was looked       (b) would be looked
      (c) had looking (d) would have looked.                               
18.       If you will pray sincerely, God will listen to your prayers. 
      (a) you pray                       (b) you are praying
      (c) you will be praying
      (d) No improvement.              
19.       Hardly had I finished writing the letter before  Anil arrived.
      (a) then                  (b) while
      (c) when                (d) as
       (e)No improvement.      
20.       The main point of his speech was well understood.
      (a) that he spoke    (b) in the speech of his
      (c) made when he spoke
      (d) made by his speech (e) No improvement       
21. I met the two girls, whom I belive are twin-sisters.
      (a) who i believe, are
(b) who i believe to be (c) who, to my belief, are
      (d) no improvement.                                    
22.       In her views, they are going to present a report soon.
      (a) as                      (b) on
      (c) with                  (d) for (e)
      No improvement         
 23.      His father won’t be able to leave for Varanasi until they have arrived
      (a) until they arrive            (b)  until they will arrive
      (c) until they will have arrived
      (d) No improvement.                          
24.       They cooked  a conspiracy to overthrow the monarch.
      (a) created                         (b) fabricated
      (c) hatched                        (d) No improvement 
25.       He returned with two burring mugs of coffee and set them down on her desk.                                            
      (a) heating                         (b) steaming
      (c) blazing                         (d) No improvement
26.       People are tiring very soon in an activity which they don’t like.        
      (a) tried                 (b) trying
      (c) tired                 (d) trying                   
27.       All his family m,embers are in kanpur.
      (a) All of his family members
      (b) All the family members of his
      (c) All the members of his family
      (d) No correction required 
28.       On hearing the loud noise, he stopped and got down from his bi-cycle.
      (a) got from                       (b) got down
      (c) got off              (d) No improvement 
29.       They left humiliated because they realised that they had cheated .
      (a) had been cheating        (b) had been cheated
      (c) have been cheated       (d) were to be cheated
      (e) No correction required 
 30. They are working for the upliftment of their village.
      (a) uplift of                        (b) uplifting of
      (c) uplifting                       (d) No improvement  
31.       He never tells the truth
      (a) says                  (b) utters
      (c) speaks              (d) No improvement           
32.       Is there any place for me to sit.
      (a) space                (b) room
      (c) area                  (d) No correction           
33.  The plan broke open for want of funds.   
(a) broke up                 (b) broke down
      (c) broke out                      (d) No improvement                                                                                 
34.       The plane touched down at Heathrow at six P.M., on schedule.
      (a) at                      (b) with
      (c) by                     (d) No improvement                          
35.       The summer has set out, and the days are getting warm.
      (a) set up               (b) set in
      (c) set off                          (d) No improvement          
36.       I cannot put forth with this nasty fellow.
      (a) put up               (b) put in
      (c) put out                         (d) No improvement      
37.       He grabbed the man from the overcoat and pulled him away from Ritu
      (a) off                    (b) by
      (c) in                      (d) No improvement                            
38.       She could not help but laugh
      (a) laughing                       (b) but laughing
      (c) laugh                (d) No improvement           
 39. Brinjals are dead cheap these days
      (a) deadly cheap    (b) dirt cheap
      (c) dust cheap        (d) No improvement  
40.       The child jumped with delight on seeing the joker at circus .
      (a) ruffian              (b) clown
      (c) dud                  (d) No improvement.                                
41.       I am sorry, but I do not believe what you say.
      (a) I will not believe (b) I am not believing
      (c) I will not be believing
      (d) No improvement                                                                                   
42.       The members attanding the meeting were men on powerfuls posiotions, high in the councils of their respective governments.
      (a) of                     (b) with
      (c) in                      (d) No correction                                                      
43.       I often see him dancing the top.
      (a) rotating                        (b) encircling
      (c) dodging                       (d) spinning          
44.       Let’s buy a new sari with the annual bonus, can we?
      (a) cant’ we                       (b) don’t we
      (c) shall we                        (d) No improvement        
45.       His voice was rough and gravelly, as though his throat has had suffered an injury.
      (a) had                   (b) had had
      (c) would have      (d) No improvement           
46.       What is the time in your watch?
      (a) on                     (b) by
      (c) from                 (d) No improvement                                           
47.       Since 1986, there is no earthquakes here.
      (a) have been         (b) are
      (c) were being       (d) No improvement          
48.       They probably would have caught . up the truck by now.
      (a) will catch                     (b) shall have caught
      (c) must have caught
      (d) No improvement                                                                                             
49.       One of their freigters, the Neptune, will leave in two weeks.
      (a) would leave     (b) will be leaving
      (c) would have left
      (d) No improvement                                                                                                          
50.       It is time the six year old is learning how to read and write.
      (a) has learned       (b) learnt
      (c) was learning     (d) No improvement.    

1.   He plays cricket and tennis also
      (a) both                  (b) besides
      (c) too                    (d) No improvewment           
2.   Shivani was really happy while I accepted her invitation for her birthday.
      (a) when                (b) after
      (c) as                      (d) No improvement                     
3.   The constable was a so big man that he could not run fast enough to catch the thief.
      (a) a such big man             (b) so big man
      (c) so big a man     (d) such a big man                                                                            
4.   I am used to hard work.
      (a) hard working   (b) work hard
      (c) work hardly     (d) No improvement                                                                     
5.   He has eaten eaten his food.
      (a) has had                         (b) has taken
      (c) has swallowed             (d) No improvement                                                                                 
6.   Please blow up the candle.
      (a) turn off                        (b) blow out
      (c) put off              (d) No improvement  
7.   Practically every part of banana tree is used by man
      (a) most part                      (b) any part
      (c) each part                      (d) No improvement
8.   Let he and I work together.
      (a) him and I                    (b) him and me
      (c) he and me        (d) No improvement                                                                                   
9.   The costmer said, “please give me the onother one
      (a) me other one    (b) me the other one
      (c) the another one to me
      (d) No improvement                                                     
10.       No sooner I saw the tiger than I ran away
      (a) No sooner I had seen
      (b) no sooner did I see
      (c) As soon as I saw
      (d) No improvement                                          
11.       The teacher has instructed all of us to finish the work by tomorrow, isn't it ?
      (a) has she?                        (b) did not she?
      (c) hasn’t she?       (d) No improvement                                                                                   
12.       If you come across my umbrella anywhere, bring it to me,   can you?
      (a) don’t you?       (b) will you?
      (c) isn’t it?                         (d) No improvement
13.       Try to be diplomatic when you refuse any invitation, so far not to cause bad feelings.
      (a) as far not                      (b) so as not
      (c) if as far not      (d) since then not 
      (e) No correction required                                
14.       You will have to return my book whenever I ask for it.
      (a) will have                      (b) would have to
      (c) will be              (d) should have to
      (e) No correction required                                       
15.       The reason why he could not do the work was because he had to attend to his mother who was ill.
      (a) why he could not do the work was since
      (b) for which he could not do the work was because (c)why he could not do the work was that
      (d) No improvement                          
16.       The need of the hour was some fast action on the part of the leaders.
      (a) needed                         (b) needing
      (c) needs                (d) No correction required                                                                          
17.       The child is father of the man.
      (a) A child, man   (b) child a man
      (c) Child, man       (d) No improvement.                                                                      
18.       My mother asked me when would I have a glass of milk.
      (a) I will                (b) I would
      (c) I shall               (d) No improvement     
19.       The indecisive man was readily persuaded to change his mind again
      (a) was persuaded ready
      (b) was ready to persuade
      (c) was ready persuaded
      (d) could readily persuade
      (e) No correction                        
20.       The burglars broke in Mr. Roy’s house last night.
      (a) broke through (b) broke into
      (c) broke upon       (d) No improvement                                                                       
21.       The doctor examined my pulse.
      (a) observed                      (b) saw
      (c) felt                   (d) No improvement          
22.       Shakespeare lived for the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I.
      (a) in                      (b) since
      (c) during              (d) no improvement              
23.       On attempting to stage a drama, a new meaning to the story was discovered
      (a) When attempted          (b) On our attempting
      (c) Attempting      (d) No correction required                                             
24.       The police are trying to solve the mystery.
      (a) was                   (b) has
      (c) been is              (d) No improvement              
25.       He doesn’t hasitate to do whatever his brother does
      (a) will do              (b) would do
      (c) shall do                        (d) would done
      (e) No correction required                                                           
26.       We spent an hour discussing about his character.
      (a) his character     (b) on his character
      (c) of his character            (d) No improvement                                                                
27.       The teacher asked the intruder who was he and why was he occupying his chair.
      (a) who he was and why he was
      (b) who he was and why was he
      (c)who he had been and why he had been (d) No improvem ent.                                               
28.       ‘Hard days’ was his last novel 
      (a) latter                 (b) recent
      (c) latest                (d) No improvement     
29.       Bad habits must be nipped at the bud.
      (a) nipped off the bud (b) nipped in the bud
      (c) nipped on the bus
      (d) No correction required                            
30.       It is no good to cry over split milk
      (a) It is no good crying    
      (b) It is of no good to cry
      (c) it is of no good crying (d) No improvement   
31.       Old habits die hardly
      (a) die much hardly           (b) die hard
       (c) die too hard    (d) No   improvement
32.       The teacher asked “why you are late
      (a) why you were late       (b) why late you are
      (c) why are you late
      (d) No correction required           
33.       It is ten year since I have begun living here.
      (a) begun               (b) had begun
      (c) began               (d) No improvement  
34.       The various practices and norms for bank’s transactions are laid down  by the Reserve bank of India
      (a) are laid up        (b) are led down
      (c) are lead up       (d) have been lay down
      (e) No correction required            
35.       She is having a lot of money
      (a) is having lot of             (b) has lot of
      (c) has a lot of       (d) No improvement
36.       They all loved each other
      (a) among each other         (b) one another
      (c) for each other   (d ) No improvement
37.       No one needs to worry about me
      (a) will worry        (b) need worry
      (c) shall worry       (d) No improvement 
38.       It is most unique piece of art
      (a) a unique                       (b) the most unique
       (c) an unique        (d) No improvement
39.       When the soldiers realised that they had been fooled, they rush back.
      (a) had rush                       (b) have rush
      (c) had rushed       (d) rushed
      (e) No improvement                       
40.       The officer looked on my complaint
      (a) looked of                     (b) looked into
      (c) looked to                      (d) No improvement
41.       No sooner he had returned home then his mother felt happy.
      (a) he had returned home than
      (b) had he returned home when
      (c) did he return home than (d) No improvement
42.       Each boy and each girl was busy in her work.
(a) were busy in their work
      (b) was busy in his work
      (c) was busy in one’s work
      (d) No improvement                    
43.       The actress said that it sometimes took her two hour to put her make- up
      (a) put over                        (b) put up
      (c) put on               (d) No improvement     
44.       The matter must be considered in every point of view.
      (a) with                  (b) from
      (c) at                      (d) No improvement
45.       Place a ladder on the wall
      (a) along                (b) with
      (c) against              (d) No improvement  
46.       He enjoys to tell stories to children
      (a) how to tell stories (b) telling stories
      (c) to narrate stories          (d) No improvement  
47.       Galileo said that the earth revolved arround the sun.
      (a) has revolved     (b) has been revolving
      (c) revolves                        (d) is revolving
      (e) No improvement         
48.       Manisha purchased the very good of all the saris kept in the shop.
      (a) the better                      (b) the very better
      (c) the most good (d) the best
      (e) No correction required
49.       He was born to rich parents.
      (a) from                 (b) with
      (c) by                     (d) of              
50.       On seeing the lion she felt too much afraid.
      (a) very much        (b) excessively
      (c) much                (d) No improvement.
Practice set 3
1.   Last evening I went to the optician and bought spectacles.
      (a) a spectacle        (b) two spectacles
      (c) a pair of spectacles(d) No improvement
2.   The train left before we reached the station.
      (a) had left                        (b) would have left
      (c) has had left      (d) No improvement
3.   The teacher was angry with Hemant as he had not done the homework.
      (a) on                     (b) from
      (c) at                      (d) No correction required
4.   Education is a strong instrument for moulding the character of the young.
      (a) striking             (b) powerful
      (c) potent               (d) No improvement
5.   My opinion for the film is that it will bag the national award.
      (a) on                     (b) to
      (c) about                (d) No improvement
6.   One of the men gave first aid to Hitesh who is injured in a road accident.
      (a) who had injured           (b) who was injured
      (c) which was injured        (d) as he was to injure
      (e) No correction required
7.   In the party she spoke to me very friendly.
      (a) In very friendly manner
      (b) with very friendly manner
      (c) in a very friendly manner
      (d) with a very friendly manner
(e) No correction required
8.   Mrs. Johnson had staying here since 1954 and has made India her home.
      (a) will stay                       (b) was to stay
      (c) is staying                      (d) has been staying
      (e) No correction required
9.   The problems of translation are still remain.
      (a) are remain        (b) will remained
      (c) will still remain            (d) No improvement
10.       Columbus invented America.
      (a) searched                       (b) traced
      (c) discovered       (d) No improvement
11.       They have stopped from constructing new buildings.
      (a) to contruct       (b) at constructing
      (c) constructing     (d) No improvement
12.       You could be able to work out these problems easily.
      (a) can be able to   (b) should be able to
      (c) must be able to (d) No improvement
13.       All over Russia, Indian films are more popular than those in any other country.
      (a) in                      (b) that in
      (c) that of              (d) those of
      (e) No improvement
14.       Wise men catch time by the forelock.

      (a) hold                  (b) seize
      (c) take                  (d) No improvement
15.       Seeng the injustice done to them by the Britishers, the sepoys broke into open revolt.
      (a) broke to                        (b) broke upto
      (c) resorted to        (d) No improvement
16.       The cloud ofmisfortunes appears to have blow out.
      (a) away                (b) over
      (c) up                     (d) No improvement
17.       He has his meal at two, when he has it, he goes off to sleep.
      (a) when he has had it
      (b) when he will have it
      (c) when he will have had it          (d) No improvement
18.       Anand has the guts to rise from the occasion and come out successful.
      (a) to rise against   (b) in rising from
      (c) to rise to                       (d) to raise with
19.       He is to kind man to refuse to help in such a case.
      (a) a too kind         (b) a too kindly
      (c) too kind a         (d) too kindly a
20.       A bird in hand is worth two in bush.
      (a) Two in the bush           (b) two at the bush
      (c) two on bush     (d) No improvement
21.       Scarely had he entered the room than the phone rang.
      (a) when                (b) while
      (c) as                      (d) No improvement
22.       Let he and I do the work today itself.
      (a) he with I                      (b) he and me
      (c) him and me      (d) him and myself
      (e) No correction required
23.       Kindly let us now the time of your arrival by return of post.
      (a) by the return of post
      (b) on return of post
      (c) in return post    (d) No improvement
24.       Five years ago today, I am sitting in a small Japanese car, driving across Poland towards Berlin.
      (a) was sitting        (b) have been sitting
      (c) sat                    (d) No improvement
25.       On arriving at the station my uncle was there to greet us.
      (a) As we arrived at the station
      (b) As soon as we arrived the station
      (c) When we arrived at the station
      (d) No improvement
26.       The man who is perpetually hesitating which of the two things he will do first, will ultimately di either.
      (a)  none                (b) neither
      (c) nothing             (d) No improvement
27.       Mother always finds faults with the mad servant.
      (a) find faults        (b) is finding faults
      (c) finds faults       (d) No improvement
28.       To make him succeed, the correct thing to do is to punish him until he does not try.
      (a) until he tries     (b) until he does try
      (c) until he will not try
      (d) until he did not try
      (e) No improvement
29.       The custom of many centuries ago origin is slowly disappearing.
      (a) which was originated ago many centuries
      (b) origination for many centuries ago.
      (c) with many centuries of origin
      (d) No correction required
30.       Hundreds of people were killed by the earthquake.
      (a) from                 (b) in
      (c) of                     (d) No improvement
31.       He is not used to walk long distance.
      (a) to walking        (b) to have walked
      (c) to be walking   (d) to have been walking
      (e) No improvement
32.       If you had told your problem yesterday, we might had helped you.
      (a) would have      (b) might have been
      (c) would have been          (d) No correction required
33.       He has no knowledge and interest in music.
      (a) knowledge and interest of music
      (b) knowledge for and interest of music
      (c) knowledge of and interest in music
      (d) No correction required.
34.       He stayed back so that it can look as if he was unaware of the entire incident.
      (a) may look                      (b) would look
      (c) will look                       (d) No improvement
35.       Day before yesterday I saw her in the market.
      (a) Day before the yesterday
      (b) The day before yesterday
      (c) The day before the yesterday
      (d) No improvement
36.       When he heared the rhetorical speech of the leader, he was carried along by his enthusiasm.
      (a) was carried away         (b) was carried down
      (c) was carried a lot           (d) No improvement
37.       The beautiful is not always the same like the good.
      (a) as good                        (b) like good
      (c) as the good      (d) as like the good
      (e) No improvement
38.       The members of his family are coming in this train.
      (a) with                  (b) by
      (c) on                     (d) no improvement
39.       We are supposed to take out our shoes when we enter a place of worship.
      (a) to put off                     (b) to put away
      (c) to take off        (d) No improvement
40.       If he had time he will call you.
      (a) would have      (b) would have had
      (c) has                    (d) No improvement
41.       The houses in our street are more beautiful than on the main road.
      (a) than that on the main road      
      (b) than those on the main road
      (c) than there on the main road    
      (d) No correction required
42.       The intruder stood quetly for few moments.
      (a) for few time     (b) for a few moments
      (c) for the few moments
      (d) No correction required
43.       He gave the I.A.S. examination in all seriousness.
      (a) appeared                      (b) took
      (c) undertook        (d) No improvement
44.       A lot depends on your early brought up in the family.
      (a) bringing up       (b) bringing on
      (c) upbringing        (d) No improvement
45.       The dentist pulled up one of my teeth yesterday.
      (a) pulled               (b) pulled out
      (c) pulled off                     (d) No mprovement
46.       The ‘Three Musketeers’ have been written by Dumas.
      (a) are written        (b) are being written
      (c) hasbeen written            (d) No improvement
47.       The weather was not good; it was a bit pleasant.
      (a) rather                (b) to some extent
      (c) fairly                (d) a little
48.       Many believed that girls who recieved western education would make slaves of their husbands.
      (a) could recieve    (b) had recieved
      (c) have recieved   (d) No improvement
49.       My mother is ill since two months.
      (a) has been ill since          (b) has been illing since
(c) has been ailing for  (d) No correction required
50.       I have not written any letter to him since my father had died.
      (a) died                  (b) was dead
      (c) has died                       (d) No improvement
Practice set  4
1.   He is very active and will finish the work within no time.
      (a) at no time         (b) without taking time
      (c) in no time         (d) No improvement
2.   Sensing that the contest would be very tough, she decided to stand down.
      (a) lie                     (b) play
      (c) sit                     (d) No improvement
3.   would you find me absent, please don’t forget to leave a message behind.
      (a) As                    (b) should
      (c) Unless              (d) No improvement
4.   No sooner did the chief guest climb up to the dias then the bomb exploded.
      (a) than                  (b) before
      (c) when                (d) No improvement
5.   The Manager was unhappy at Gaurav because he did not complete the work in time.
      (a) is unhappy at    (b) is to be unhappy at
      (c) was unhappy with        (d) No correction required
6.   He has done nothing from yesterday.
      (a) after                 (b) since
      (c) through                        (d) No improvement
7.   In the modern world it is difficult to live through one’s ideals.
      (a) to live up to      (b)  to live by
      (c) to live for                     (d) No improvement
8.   It is long since I last saw you.
      (a) long time                      (b) long before
      (c) long ago                       (d) distort
      (e) No improvement
9.   It is unreasonable to desort the statement of a man simply because he does not agree with your opinions.
      (a) discourage        (b) denounce
      (c) bend                 (d) No improvement
710.     Kalidas is the greatest of all other dramatists.
      (a) most other        (b) the other
      (c) any other                      (d) all the
      (e) No correction required.
11.       The secret information was held away from me.
      (a) off                    (b) back
      (c) out                    (d) No improvement
12.       She gave most of her time to music.
      (a) devoted                        (b) spent
      (c) lent                   (d) No improvement
13.       James sat there in stunned silence, to try to absorb what Reeta was saying.
      (a) so as to try       (b) trying
      (c) as if trying        (d) No improvement
14.       When I was fourteen, I sat the entrance examination for senior secondary school.
      (a) sat for               (b) sat in
      (c) sat at                (d) No improvement
15.       When I lived in Allahabad, I was going to the cinema once a weak.
      (a) went                 (b) had been going
      (c) had gone                      (d) used to be going
      (e) No correction required
16.       He has been working off and on for several years to compile a dictionary.
      (a) on or off                       (b) on and off
      (c) regularly                       (e) No correction required
17.       A great deal of human invention since the last 300 years has been directed to taming the power hidden in nature, and to channelling it into steady sources of energy that can drive machines.
      (a) since the past 300 years
      (b) in the last 300 years
      (c) during the past 300 years
      (d) No improvement
18.       Rajni unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with Kashish and left the party hurriedly.
      (a) picking up        (b) picked on
      (c) picked              (d) has picked up
      (e) No correction required.
19.       He spent much time and energy over it, and lost a sum in the bargain.
      (a) off the bargain (b) for the bargain
      (c) into the bargain            (d) with the bargaing
      (e) No connerction required
20.       He complained that he had too much work to cope up with.
      (a) to cope with     (b) for coping up with
      (c) to cope             (d) No improvement
21.       We have heard her lecture yesterday.
      (a) were hearing    (b) would have heard
      (c) heard                (d) had been hearing
      (e) No correction required.
22.       I noticed that the opposite man was staring at me.
      (a) the opposed man          (b) the man opposite
      (c) the men opposite          (d) No improvement
23.       She did not like the movie, nor i did.
      (a) nor did I                       (b) nor I like it
      (c) nor I liked it     (d) No improvement
24.       It will take two hours to walk across the forest.
      (a) over                  (b) between
      (c) away                (d) through
25.       It shall depend on they finished on time.
      (a) they finish        (b) them finishing
      (c) their finishing   (d) their’s finishing
26.       The unemployment rate has dropped sharply this month, though it may only be temporary.
      (a) but it may be only temporary  
      (b) but the drop may only be temporary
      (c) even though the drop may only be temporary
      (d) but such a drop may only be a temporary one
      (e) No correction required
27.       Thecontractor did not keep his promise that the work will be finished before the end of the week.
      (a) could                (b) shall
      (c) would               (d) No improvement
28.       In accordance to your instructions, we have remitted the amount in the bank.
      (a) by                     (b) with
      (c) for                    (d) No improvement
29.       It is high time that we did something about it.
      (a) had done                      (b) would do
      (c) have done        (d) No improvement
30.       The huge Negro would have been a comic figure if he had not been terrific, for the was dressed in a very loud grey check suit with a flowing selmon coloured tie.
      (a) must have been            (b) may have been
      (c) should have been         (d) No improvement
31.       Not a word they spoke to the unfortunate wife about it.
      (a) they had spoken           (b) did they speak
      (c) they will speak (d) No improvement
32.       There is sufficient fund to meet the requirement of the entire school in our zone.
      (a) schools             (b) all the schools
      (c) all of the schools          (d) No correction required
33.       I am definitely late; train will have left the station by the time I rich there.
      (a) will be leaving  (b) will leave
      (c) would have left            (d) No improvement
34.       Shilpa was going to the temple then Parul come on meet her.
      (a) after Parul was coming to       
      (b) when Parul was coming to
      (c) when Parul come to                
      (d) before Parul was coming to
      (e) No correction required
35.       There is nothing quite miserable than handicap at such a tender age.
      (a) as miserable      (b) more miserable
      (c) so miserable     (d) very miserable
      (e) No correction required
36.       Young men and women should get habituated to reading and writing about current affairs.
      (a) preprared                      (b) trained
      (c) used                 (d) No improvement
37.       The bill will be paid at sight or on demand.
      (a) at sight or on a demand          
      (b) on sight or at demand
      (c) at sight or demand                  
      (d) No correction required
38.       It is difficult for a simple person to see through her artificial schemes.
      (a) artistic              (b) artful
      (c) aesthetic                       (d) No improvement
39.       Photographs from the satellites launched by Nasa at the early 1970s have proved in valuable to the mapping of remote areas.
      (a) towards                        (b) from
      (c) since                 (d) No improvement
40.       You ought not to have gone there, but you did.
      (a) be going                       (b) have been
      (c) go                     (d) No improvement
41.       Never has the inadequacy of police been in clearer focus than in the communal violence that flared up recently.
      (a) higher               (b) stronger
      (c) better                (d) sharper
42.       The main business of the Parliament is to deal with metters pertained to the Legislature.
      (a) pertaining with (b) pertained with
      (c) pertainning to   (d) No improvement
43.       Being worked for the whole day, you should have taken some rest and started the work tomorrow.
      (a) After having work       (b) Having worked for
      (c) Working for     (d) After being worked for
      (e) No improvement
44.       I wish I have all those luxuries my friend has.
      (a) I will have        (b) I am having
      (c) I had                (d) I had been having
      (e) No improvement
45.       Ravi has got many friends because he has got much money.
      (a) enough money (b) a lot of money
      (c) bags of money (d) No improvement
46.       You must try making him to understand.
      (a) make him understand 
      (b) to making him understand
      (c) to make him understand         
      (d) No improvement
47.       He has cooked that meal so often he can do it with his eyes closed.
      (a) mind blank       (b) eyes covered
      (c) hands full         (d) No improvement
48.       The enthusiastic voters were queuing up outside the polling station since morning.
      (a) queued up        (b) had queued up
(c) had been queuing up         
      (d) No improvement
49.       Many a man have died of cancer.
      (a) have died from cancer
      (b) has died of cancer
      (c) have been dying of cancer      
      (d) No improvement
50.       If you are living near a market place you should be ready to bear the disturbances caused by traffic.
      (a) to bear with      (b) to bear away
      (c) to bear upon
            (d) No improvement

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